we help your

business succeed

Pixel Fire Marketing is made up of a team of fun and unique individuals who are experts in website design, social media marketing, digital advertising and other creative services that comprise a strong digital marketing strategy. With decades of combined experience and an upbeat attitude, the Pixel Fire Marketing team is YOUR partner in success.

digital marketing


Pixel Fire Marketing uses the concepts of Engagement Equity in everything we do from website design to social media marketing to everyday communication with our clients. We truly believe in giving value and the power of EARNING the right to develop a relationship with others.

Our services do not stop once we sign a client. We are committed to taking our clients through the entire Customer Value Journey with the goal of turning them into ravings fans and advocates of our company.  We also help our clients implement these same strategies as part of their overall marketing plan.

How we utilize the

Customer Value Journey

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In the first step of the Customer Value Journey (CVJ), our team makes sure your prospects are AWARE of your business and that your brand is solid and defined.

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In step 2, we help you build solid customer profiles of those you want to do business with so you can engage them effectively.

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In the third step, we get your prospects excited about doing business with you by creating a marketing strategy that coincides with your brand and shows your audience what sets you apart.

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Finally, we help you grow your business by continually tweaking, repeating, and executing your plan to achieve the results you need.

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digital marketing


Here are all the ways we can help your business develop a strong brand and turn prospects into valued customers!

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Pixel Fire will create a website for your business that is dynamic, responsive, and mobile-first.

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Digital Adversiting

Our team uses audience targeting, Google Ads, reputation management, and local SEO tools to get the results you need.

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social Media Marketing

Pixel Fire will help you establish a voice and brand targeted to your ideal clients with a strategic combination of social media content and ads.

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beckstrom racing

An in-depth look at one of our client's journeys

Beckstrom Racing was seeking a platform where they would bring awareness to their racing endeavors and help actively advertise their sponsors’ products and services. Through consultation with Pixel Fire Marketing, Beckstrom decided that Facebook fit their demographic the best and offered the most beneficial tools for accomplishing their goals.

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increase in reach for unique users
51 %
increase in page followers


Pixel Fire Marketing has worked with hundreds of satisfied clients over the years. Here are some stories about how we were able to help them with our unique and engaging marketing process.

ready to go?

Let's Get Started

Are you ready to ignite your business by creating a strategic marketing plan aimed at your ideal customers? We’d love to help! Reach out today for a free consultation.