Step 6 of the Customer Value Journey-Ascend

Picture of Angela Chaney
Angela Chaney

Hopefully you’ve been on the Customer Value Journey with us through our previous five blogs: generate awareness, drive engagement, build subscribers, increase conversions, and excite. Now that you’ve learned how to turn a prospect into a valued client or customer, it’s time to move on to Step 6 of the Customer Value Journey-Ascend.

Some make the mistake of thinking the journey has come to a successful conclusion at Step 5—and you wouldn’t be alone. One of the biggest misconceptions of the buying journey is that it ends once the sale is made. However, if you don’t focus on the next two steps, not only will you be leaving money on the table, but you’ll also be missing out on the most important part of the system—turning clients into advocates and salespeople!

What it means when you get to Step 6 of the Customer Value Journey-Ascend

Step 6 of the customer value journey-ascend, is all about increasing the lifetime value of your client. Not only do you want to encourage them to spend more money with you, but you also want to make sure their satisfaction with your services and team continues to grow.

Your new client ‘ascends’ when they buy your core product or service (if they have not done so already), buy complementary/add-on products or services, or when they give you repeat business. For example, a client of Pixel Fire Marketing who had already had a website built by us would ‘ascend’ if they agreed to do a second website for a side business. They would also ascend if they added on social media marketing or decided to turn their already purchased three-page website into a premium 15-page site.

Step 6 of the Customer Value Journey-Ascend

Ways to encourage your clients to ascend

Before you do anything else, you need to make sure your team is giving value (i.e. excellent customer service) to your clients throughout the five steps of the CVJ. Then—and only then—can you put practices in place to upsell and start on step 6 of the customer value journey-ascend. Once you’ve accomplished this (keep in mind it’s an ongoing process), you can do the following:

1. Offer discounts

At Pixel Fire, we could implement this strategy by offering 10% off a one-year social media marketing package for those who have already purchased a website from us. If you sell products rather than services, offering discounts becomes even easier. Remember you don’t want to take away from the value of the products or services you’re offering a discount on, so don’t do deep discounts. A small discount is usually enough to show your client you appreciate their business and encourage them to make another purchase.

2. Offer upgrades

Upgrades and customizations are another excellent way to encourage your current clients or customers to ascend. Already agreed to the 5-page website? Add a chatbot or shopify option for just X amount more. Purchased 45 polos in your company colors for your sales team? Add your logo for just $5 per shirt. Upgrade offers are usually successful because your client has already made the big purchase decision and enhancing it for a relatively small amount reaffirms their initial buying decision.

3. Stay in communication

It can be easy to lose communication with a client or customer if you’ve sold them a single product or service with no ongoing work included. To encourage them to ascend, you need to stay in contact. You can do this via a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly newsletter, a regularly scheduled check-in via phone, email, or text, or by inviting them to events/trainings/educational opportunities. Not only will staying in touch help you address any concerns they have with the products or services they’ve already purchased from you, it will also give you a chance to talk to them about additional buying options.

Remember, just because you’ve made the sale, it doesn’t mean the journey is over! By putting a strategy in place to help your clients or customers reach step 6 of the customer value journey-ascend, you are taking the next step toward turning them into advocates who will sell your services for you and take your business to the next level. Have questions or want to learn more about any step of the CVJ? Reach out to the experienced team at Pixel Fire for assistance!

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