Signs You Need to Hire a Marketing Company

Picture of Angela Chaney
Angela Chaney

As a small business owner, you’ve poured your heart and soul, your waking and your should-have-been-sleeping hours, and likely substantial financial resources into making your vision a reality. No one would argue against the notion that running a business is hard work!

Yet, we have to ask, are you getting the return on all of that investment that you would like? Do you have a growing customer base and are you seeing your profits increase year after year? Do you have a clear sense of your business’s vision and identity? If not, let’s talk about how hiring a marketing firm could be the next step toward true success for your company.

We’re Pixel Fire Marketing, a local marketing company devoted to helping Omaha businesses grow and thrive, and we’d like to offer you five signs that it’s time for you to hire a marketing company.

1. Your Current Strategy Isn’t Working

Regardless of how much you’ve invested in brand imaging, digital media, print media, and other marketing strategies, if your efforts aren’t resulting in expanded reach and increasing customers, it’s not working. Several reasons could be behind this. Perhaps the wrong channels are being utilized, the timing is off, or the marketer doesn’t really grasp what your company is about.

2. Marketing? What is Marketing?

If the idea of marketing your business is a foreign concept, or if you thought by hanging a sign out front and throwing open the doors, customers would come flocking to you, you are mistaken. Competition is fierce, and people are distracted by a hundred demands on their time and attention at any given moment. They have to SEE you and believe that what you offer has value to them personally. Effective marketing achieves that by putting your business in front of those who would benefit from it.

3. Modern Technology Imtimidates You

Not so many years ago, newspaper ads, mailers, and a strategically placed billboard were sufficient to get the word out to potential customers. Today, that’s not enough. People are online all day long. They work, play, shop, and learn in digital space, and that’s where customers must be reached. If you’re not comfortable posting on social media, creating short-form videos, using cameras, or providing feedback to those interacting with your business online, call in the professionals.

4. What You’re About as a Company is Ambiguous

You’ve no doubt heard of the “elevator pitch.” Today we talk more about “brand image”, but the concepts are closely related. Can potential customers tell instantly who you are and what you do by looking at your LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or X accounts? Do they get different impressions based on the platform from which they view your business? Or worse yet, are you having trouble defining exactly what it is you do yourself? A marketing company can guide you through the process of sharpening that vision and developing strategies to convey it to the world.

5. You’re Ready to Grow

Long-term success is fueled by a growth mindset. Have you already succeeded in achieving numerous goals for your company? Do you sense that you’ve gotten comfortable with the state of things and need a hand to reach the next level? If so, a well-executed marketing campaign or a rebranding can capture the attention of prospective clients and remind former and current ones that you’re offering a great product they will benefit from purchasing.

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Choosing a Marketing Company vs. In-house Marketing

Just like any specialist, a marketing company has a wealth of resources and equipment to provide state-of-the-art branding and cross-channel representation. It’s our job to know the latest trends in content creation, brand imaging, and how to make social media analytics work for you.

The big-picture perspective is also an invaluable resource that you won’t find if you’re conducting your own marketing in-house. Because a marketing firm works with a broad range of clients and has a positional advantage- from the outside looking in, we can see how your company is perceived and how to effectively convey the message you want clients, stakeholders, and potential clients to hear.

Our Philosophy

Not all marketing companies are the same, so it’s important that you do your research to learn the values, strategies, and approaches that will be used to enhance your business and brand. Our business model can be summarized in three key strategies:

1.  Client First

Your name, your vision, and your brand are our business. We are here to provide support, expand reach, and help you meet your business goals. We take the time to learn about our clients’ businesses, their long-term vision, and their immediate needs. Together, we create a plan to achieve those aims, and we walk alongside you with support and resources until they are achieved.

2.  Lifelong Learning

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and that means that what worked two, three, or five years ago isn’t going to have the same level of impact now. We work hard to research, study, and know exactly where digital trends are heading and the tools that make them possible. We bring that wealth of knowledge to your company’s marketing plan, freeing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Additionally, we are students of our clients’ industries, making sure we represent you well and connect with your customers (and potential ones) in a meaningful way through educational content and user-friendly design.

3.  Engagement Equity

Simply put, the concept of “engagement equity” means that we invest in you and your business, many times over. We provide education, support, and help you clarify and achieve your personal goals for success. We give first. We make the first move, and the relationship makes the difference.

Pixel Fire Marketing has its pulse on the happenings in Omaha. We’ve been operating this business for a decade, but our talented design team has been building and expanding brands for four times that long. Consequently, we know what works- and what doesn’t- here in Nebraska, and that collected insight and wisdom can be applied to your company to take it to the next level, whether you’re launching a brand-new start up or want to see an existing company grow. You’ve got a vision…we can help the world see it. Give us a call today to set up your marketing consultation.

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